Biden Administration Moves to End a Minimum Wage Waiver for Disabled Workers
A plan by the Biden administration would phase out a provision that allows employers to pay workers with disabilities less than the federal minimum wage.
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A plan by the Biden administration would phase out a provision that allows employers to pay workers with disabilities less than the federal minimum wage.
Now that federal pandemic-era funds are shrinking, states like Indiana are ending or curtailing programs that finance home care by relatives of seriously ill children and adults.
The Transportation Department said the proposed regulations would make it easier to hold airlines accountable for mishandling passengers’ wheelchairs.
Politics|U.S. Moves to Improve Airplane Bathrooms for People With Disabilities Give this article Advertisement SKIP ADVERTISEMENT Supported by SKIP ADVERTISEMENT U.S. Moves to Improve Airplane Bathrooms for People With…
Known as informal removals, the tactics are “off-the-book” suspensions often in violation of federal civil rights protections for those with disabilities.
Only those who became disabled by age 26 have been eligible for ABLE accounts. But Congress raised the age to 46, so more military veterans and others can qualify as…
When patients with disabilities receive substandard care. Also: Kari Lake’s defeat; Mike Pence; Ukraine; South African coal; Apple’s betrayal; when to brush.
Politics|Transportation Dept. Opens Program to Make Public Transit Accessible Give this article Advertisement Continue reading the main story Supported by Continue reading the main story Transportation Dept. Opens Program…
Transplant recipients, cancer patients and millions of other Americans with risk factors feel ignored and abandoned as their neighbors, and their government, seek a return to normal.
President Biden said the benefits and protections of the Americans with Disabilities Act would now extend to people facing ongoing health problems caused by a coronavirus infection that occurred weeks…