UPDATING LIVE: From AI to war zones, UN hosts largest global meeting on disability issues
Disability is an opportunity to celebrate differences and re-imagine a world that is inclusive for everyone.
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Disability is an opportunity to celebrate differences and re-imagine a world that is inclusive for everyone.
What’s going on at COSP17? 10 June 2024 Human Rights Hundreds of people with disabilities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society representatives alongside ambassadors from around the world are due…
… disabilities through technology, environmental destruction and … Humanity should get the best from AI, not the worst – UN disability rights expert.
The continued military attacks against Ukraine are putting the lives of an estimated 2.7 million people with disabilities at risk. The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities today deplored the…
UN Flagship Report on Disability and Sustainable Development Goals “The UN Flagship Report on Disability and Development 2018 – Realizing the SDGs by, for and with persons with disabilities shows…
Disability and Sports Rio 2016 – Paralympic Games, 17-18 September 2016 The Paralympic Games and the Promotion of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, by Sir Philip Craven UNESCO International…
Breadcrumb Home Empowering and including women and girls with disabilities Date: Wednesday, 2 December 2015 Breaking down barriers: bringing women with physical and motor disabilities into view For Cristina Francisco…
Backgrounder: Disability Treaty Closes a Gap in Protecting Human Rights Backgrounder: Disability Treaty Closes a Gap in Protecting Human Rights [WORD] There are seven landmark United Nations human rights treaties…