Paul Parravano: Structured Negotiation Champion, Disability Advocate, Dies at 71

When I submitted my book manuscript to the American Bar Association in 2015, an East Coast lawyer reviewer had but one question. It basically boiled down to this: “How the

Andrés Gallegos, Disability Rights Champion, Dies Too Soon

The disability community lost a tremendous advocate when Andrés Gallegos died on December 1st, a few days shy of his 63rd birthday. Along with hundreds (and based on the outpouring

2023 Accessible Credit Reports Press Release

[This is one of several articles on LFLegal celebrating the 33d anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act on July 26, 2023. Read the first article about accessible digital healthcare.]

#ADA32: The ADA has applied to digital for decades

Recently I had the opportunity to ask an audience the first words that came to mind when I said “law in the digital accessibility space.” I heard what I often

University of Illinois Chicago Digital Accessibility Structured Negotiation

On November 9, 2021 the Illinois disability rights legal organization Equip for Equality (EFE) and the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) announced an agreement to improve digital accessibility for blind

CVS Spoken Rx™ Press Release

CVS Pharmacy announced that it has developed Spoken Rx™, a new feature of the CVS Pharmacy app that can read a specific type of label for patients with visual impairments