OSEP Releases New Fast Facts on Children Receiving Services Under IDEA in the Outlying Areas and Freely Associated States

By the Office of Special Education Programs The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) released a new OSEP Fast Facts: Children Receiving Services Under IDEA in the Outlying Areas and

OSEP Releases Fast Facts on Students with Disabilities who are English Learners (ELs) Served under IDEA Part B

By the Office of Special Education Programs OSEP is excited to release a new OSEP Fast Facts: Students with Disabilities who are English Learners (ELs) Served under IDEA Part B,

OSEP Releases Fast Facts on Students with Disabilities who are English Learners (ELs) Served under IDEA Part B

By the Office of Special Education Programs OSEP is excited to release a new OSEP Fast Facts: Students with Disabilities who are English Learners (ELs) Served under IDEA Part B,

OSEP Releases Fast Facts on the Race and Ethnicity of Children with Disabilities Served under IDEA Part B

OSEP is excited to release a new OSEP Fast Facts: Race and Ethnicity of Children with Disabilities Served under IDEA Part B and new supplemental tool, Hand In Hand, which

OSEP Releases Fast Facts on School Aged Children with Disabilities

Introducing a Supplemental Tool to Help Stakeholders Engage with New Fast Facts By the Office of Special Education Programs OSEP is excited to release a new Fast Facts on School