A.L.S. Stole His Voice. A.I. Retrieved It.
In an experiment that surpassed expectations, implants in a patient’s brain were able to recognize words he tried to speak, and A.I. helped produce sounds that came close to matching…
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In an experiment that surpassed expectations, implants in a patient’s brain were able to recognize words he tried to speak, and A.I. helped produce sounds that came close to matching…
Assistive technology (AT) refers to any item, equipment, software … Assistive Technology Loan Program, the press release stated. The Re-Use …
… Assistive Technology (GEAT) devices. This could include personal medical or alert alarms. To ensure service continuity, HCP and CHSP providers …
MENU News All News Blogs Photo Galleries Podcasts Press Releases Speeches Videos Archived Press Releases Archived News Para Notícias en Español Press Release Justice Department to Publish Final Rule to…
Elon Musk’s first human experiment with a computerized brain device developed significant flaws, but the subject, who is paralyzed, has few regrets.
And to the forefront of the conversation on inclusivity and fashion.
Railings, grab bars, shower chairs and other inexpensive devices can make it easier to continue living at home, but not enough older people acquire them.