With Sign Language and Sound, an Artist Upends Audience Perceptions
Christine Sun Kim’s poetic and political art pushes viewers to consider the limits, and misunderstandings, that come with communication in any language, whether spoken or signed.
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Christine Sun Kim’s poetic and political art pushes viewers to consider the limits, and misunderstandings, that come with communication in any language, whether spoken or signed.
Plus: a wanderlust-infused candle collection, a miniature wearable bouquet and more recommendations from T Magazine.
Friends Who Share a Language https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/12/t-magazine/sign-language-friends.html From left: EMILY McDERMOTT, writer and editor, hearing, 29; LUCAS ODAHARA, artist, hearing, 32; MEG STUART, dancer, choreographer and director, hearing, 56; YOUKA SNELL,…
A group of Deaf and hearing creatives in Berlin, brought together by the artist Christine Sun Kim, sign, type, dance and collaborate — and serve as a reminder that every…