Andrés Gallegos, Disability Rights Champion, Dies Too Soon

The disability community lost a tremendous advocate when Andrés Gallegos died on December 1st, a few days shy of his 63rd birthday. Along with hundreds (and based on the outpouring

Offering Healthcare? The ADA and the Affordable Care Act Mean Accessible Telehealth, #HealthTech, and Content

[This is the first of several planned articles on LFLegal celebrating the 33d anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act on July 26, 2023] I’ve written extensively about delays in

U.S. Federal Judge Rules for Walmart, against Blind Shoppers, in Self-checkout Kiosk Case

On October 12, 2021 a United States federal judge in Maryland ruled that Walmart does not have to make its self-check kiosks accessible to blind shoppers. This is a disappointing

CVS Spoken Rx™ Press Release

CVS Pharmacy announced that it has developed Spoken Rx™, a new feature of the CVS Pharmacy app that can read a specific type of label for patients with visual impairments