Launching into a Lifetime of Literacy with Braille and Talking Books from the National Library Service

By: National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled at the Library of Congress This blog post was contributed to Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) by

ISTELive 24: Navigating Dyslexia with AI Technologies | EdTech Magazine

… disability as she has. AI in education strategist Holly Clark, author of “The AI Infused Classroom,” shares even deeper knowledge about the ways AI …

Making a Difference: Leading with LD as a Special Education Teacher

Note: October is Learning Disabilities / Dyslexia / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Awareness Month.  By: Erin Crosby The Young Adult Leadership Council, a community of young adults aged 18–30 with

I’m wondering if my mother has dyslexia. Should I tell her or let things be? | Leading questions

Loved ones aren’t in the position to diagnose each other, writes advice columnist Eleanor Gordon-Smith – but perhaps raise the general idea of different mental experiences My mother has always…

How Robots Can Assist Students With Disabilities

Technology|How Robots Can Assist Students With Disabilities Give this article Advertisement Continue reading the main story Supported by Continue reading the main story A.I./Real Life How Robots Can Assist…

Student loan ban will hit dyslexic people hard, says Benjamin Zephaniah

Poet and Dragon’s Den entrepreneur Theo Paphitis join outcry against linking GCSE results to loan eligibility Prominent figures who have dyslexia have accused ministers of putting up more barriers for…

Forming a Disability Identity as a Dyslexic

NOTE: October is Learning Disabilities / Dyslexia / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Awareness Month. By Rachelle Johnson, a member of the Young Adult Leadership Council of the National Center for