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Make Sure Everyone in Your Company Can Do Good

A truly inclusive program starts with accessibility.


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Benevity has the most inclusive solution in the industry

A truly inclusive and purpose-driven culture is one that everyone can participate in. Benevity is committed to making sure all of your people can do good and enjoy the same high-quality experience. That’s why we use Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 AA standards to guide everything we design.


The success of corporate purpose programs depends on their ability to foster inclusion and belonging in authentic, actionable ways. Offering accessible technology solutions ensures companies walk the talk on diversity and inclusion.

Bryan de Lottinville,

Founder and CEO of Benevity.

WCAG 2.0 AA Standards Come Standard

Benevity’s solutions are used by millions of people around the world. Designing for diverse needs is part of making sure we’re meeting those needs. When we design solutions, we’re thinking about:
  • A low-vision or dyslexic person who uses a screen reader. That’s why we’re continually improving the experience through technology like JAWS, NVDA and ChromeVox.
  • Someone whose reading comprehension is lower because of ability, language barriers or distractions. That’s why we organize content as clearly and simply as possible and use language that’s easy to understand.
  • New parents who are holding a sleeping baby in one hand and using a keyboard to navigate with the other. That’s why our page flows are accessible by keyboard and selected pieces of content are clearly identified.
  • Retirees who need a larger font size and higher contrast to read easily. That’s why our user interface is designed with color contrast guidelines.

We celebrate every company that is working to advance a future that is for everyone.

Karen Bergin,

Director of Employee Engagement, Microsoft Philanthropies