Moving Forward

It’s exciting to be involved in another new startup! Of course, WebABLE’s success is dependent on you. From the beginning, we were intent on building a highly collaborative business around WebABLE. The business value proposition is simple: To drive global awareness of the accessibility and disabilities industry through digital marketing channels including sponsorships, mobile advertising, location-based ads, syndication and online video.

To accomplish this, we are actively seeking partnerships and sponsorships via three calls to action:

  1. Submit your RSS Feed to our news aggregate publishing system
  2. Post your events in our calendar
  3. Become a sponsor or advertiser

WebABLE™ is built upon two foundational principles:

Trust and Collaboration

At WebABLE™ we view you as part of our team. We are committed to your goals and objectives, truth and transparency. First and foremost, we are committed to our friends with disabilities and the professionals and businesses that serve them. How?

  • Trust Marketing: We focus on marketing and advertising that endorses consumer confidence in products and services for the disability market.
  • Customer Advocacy: We value our clients and colleagues above all else. We maintain customer loyalty by promoting marketing techniques that assist consumers in making informed purchase decisions. Our mission and our slogan is tied directly to our belief that “Making Accessibility is Everyone’s Priority”.

Thank You!

Building WebABLE has been a concept of mine dating back to my days at TPG. Similar to my vision with Open Access Technologies, WebABLE™ functionally represents ‘unfinished’ business. That is, it’s something I wanted to do within the realm of TPG work but didn’t have the time, financial resources or bandwidth to accomplish.

Back in March, things started to come together and we were able to target WebABLE’s launch for Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). Many thanks to GAAD co-founders, Joe Devon and Jennison Asuncion for participating in WebABLE’s launch. If you missed it, you can see the entire program on our internet channel, WebABLE.TV. By the way, take a few minutes and watch the preview to our new WebABLE.TV series, “Champions of Accessibility“. You’ll get a sneak preview of our interviews with Gareth Ford Williams, Albert Rizzi, Adam Spencer and John Williams to name a few.

It is also important for me to acknowledge and thank the team that brought WebABLE™ to this point. Without these organizations and their commitment to accessibility, WebABLE™ would still be a dream on my whiteboard:

Heartfelt thanks to you and our GAAD sponsors: AbleDocs, UserWay, and Vispero. We are off and running!!

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