ZP Better Together Launches E911 Geolocation Services | ZVRS

ZP Better Together Launches E911 Geolocation Services

Phil BravinNovember 29, 2023News, Press Releases

ZP Better Together Launches E911 Geolocation Services With Innovative Mobile Solution, Advances Communications Equity, Safety for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community

Austin, TX (November 29, 2023) – ZP Better Together (ZP) announced today that it has launched an innovative mobile app solution that makes E911 geolocation services available to the deaf and hard of hearing community. ZP, a leading provider of video relay and interpretation services, is among the first providers to deliver E911 geolocation services to deaf and hard of hearing individuals.

To view an American Sign Language interpretation of this press release please visit ZP.

“I am so proud to announce the launch of our new E911 geolocation solution,” said Sherri Turpin, CEO of ZP better Together. “This is so much more than a solution, this is a lifeline. For far too long, the deaf community has been overlooked when it comes to having full and equal access to emergency response services. With the Federal Communications Commission’s recent decision, ZP is now helping to change that and ensure that the safety and wellbeing of the deaf community are prioritized the same as everyone else’s.”

E911, [...]

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