You don’t have accessibility problems, you have quality problems |

You don’t have accessibility problems, you have quality problems

Written on January 01, 2015

On my site and on Twitter, I try to exude positivity and pragmatism. I try to tone down my admittedly strong personality as a way to ensure that what I write is well received. Sometimes I succeed. For the most part I tend to frown upon random b**** sessions about how bad everything is on the web. Complaints do not equate to solutions and solutions are what matter, as I’ve fondly alluded to before:

New rule for a11y conferences: Every time someone complains about something, they also have to offer a proposed solution for that complaint.
— Karl Groves (@karlgroves) October 26, 2013

Today I’ve finally had enough and its time we all face the blunt and honest truth: your code sucks. Yes, yours. Stop looking around, I’m really talking about you. Oh, you’re a hotshot developer from a big company? You have 10,000 followers on Github? Good for you. That plus $3 will get you coffee at the nearest Starbucks while you contemplate how this blog post applies to you.

For the last decade my job has been, in one way or the other, to help make websites, web-based applications, [...]

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