You can't spell education without 'AI': the new UNM research underway

You can't spell education without 'AI': the new UNM research underway

By Savannah Peat

January 10, 2024


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Faculty News

College of Education and Human Sciences

Language, Literacy & Sociocultural Studies

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While the term ‘artificial intelligence’ (AI) may be exhausted in its quantity of mentions, the UNM community is just getting started with exploring this impactful phrase.

One of the many reasons you may not want to write off the concept is because it may be partially responsible for your children one day.

Mary Rice

Literacy Professor Mary Rice in the College of Education & Human Sciences (COEHS) is exploring the role of AI and education. From future teachers to current educators to students of all ages, it’s a connection worth understanding.

“I still don't know all the answers. I think the place where we should be centering is thinking about how to help teachers and students learn what those sorts of tools can and cannot do in terms of how they where the information comes from and how it operates and things–then they can decide,” Rice [...]

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