WWDC 2023: Access Sessions + Accessibility Updates | Accessworld | American Foundation for the Blind

Janet Ingber

Apple hosted their annual Worldwide Developers conference where they introduced a host of new features both mainstream and access specific. In addition, there were several sessions held at the conference for those seeking to improve accessibility in their products and services. For this article, we will first detail some of the accessibility sessions that were available at the conference (and that are still available to view online) before exploring the latest accessibility features arriving in the upcoming Apple OS updates.

Developer Sessions

During the Developers Conference, Apple offered a number of sessions on accessibility. They also offered labs where a developer could work with one of Apple’s accessibility experts. In this section, we will detail a few of the sessions from the conference with a specific focus on those sessions most useful to people focusing on access for people who are blind or have low vision. A full list of sessions with watch links is available on Apple’s website.

Session Descriptions

Perform accessibility audits for your app: The presenter began by telling the group that worldwide, one in seven people have a disability. He talked about the Accessibility Inspector, which ships with Xcode. Xcode is Apple’s proprietary program for developers.
He loaded an [...]

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