Why using `tabindex` values greater than “0” is bad | KarlGroves.com

Why using `tabindex` values greater than “0” is bad

Written on November 13, 2018

Recently Tenon received a support request from a customer complaining that their site had thousands of issues in Tenon about their use of tabindex. The customer believed that their use of tabindex was a good thing because the tab order made sense. Here’s a cleaned-up version of the response I sent to them:

It creates maintenance headaches

The longer the tabindex values exist on the site, the more likely that maintenance of the site will cause the tabindex values to become inaccurate. Websites are never really “done”. Once they go into production, maintenance, changes, and bug fixes happen. Along the way, things move around, new links are added, old links are removed and over time someone slips and the tabindex values become out of sync with the desired interaction order.

It strips away user control

The use of an explicit tab order undermines the user’s ability to control their interaction with the site. Web pages that dictate an explicit tab order tend to do so for one of two reasons: to overcome a bad tab order or due to a misunderstanding of how the tab order should work. Using tabindex to fix [...]

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