Four Keys to System-wide Web Accessibility
The main focus of the GOALS project (a partner of WebAIM) is to help institutions of higher education develop a system-wide approach to web accessibility. At the beginning of the GOALS project, we analyzed several exemplary post-secondary institutions to identify what sets these institutions apart from schools that have been less successful in implementing web accessibility. These findings helped form Recommended Practice Indicators for Institutional Web Accessibility. This document is targeted to higher education, but I think the four principles at its foundation are universal. They are (in less academic terms):
Shared commitment
A shared commitment to system-wide accessibility is probably the most crucial element to ensure accessibility. Almost every exemplary group has a person who has assumed the role of "accessibility champion." This person encourages others to be passionate about accessibility, but their enthusiasm is seldom enough to carry an entire organization over time. Some of this enthusiasm must be transferred to the highest level of the organization and to the people creating the content. Without administrative support, an organization lacks the necessary [...]