Vision Australia. Blindness and low vision services

Powering your independence

Whatever stage you're at, whatever advice you need, whatever's most important to you – at Vision Australia, we can help you live life on your terms. Ready to get started?

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2021 Calendars now available

Now available online and in stores, in large and extra-large print. They celebrate the talents of our youngest and oldest artists within our blind and low vision community.

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With your help

Vision Australia can continue to provide the emotional and practical support for children like Zave

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Order free simulation glasses

Simulating five common eye diseases, these glasses can support communication and education to patients, families and carers. Clinicians order here.

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Healthcare Professionals – refer when

1. Diagnosis of a permanent, non-correctible or progressive eye condition 2. Visual Acuity of ≤6/12 (BEO) &/or Visual Field [...]

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Article Taxonomies
