Video: Ather Sharif on the Potential of Accessible Workplace Technology – Peatworks

Video: Ather Sharif on the Potential of Accessible Workplace Technology

admin2021-05-19T21:15:28+00:00Published: October 2nd, 2020|Tags: Video|

Ather is a Software Engineer at Comcast and Founder of EvoXLabs. In this video he discusses accessibility in the era of telework, the importance of bringing the voices of people with disabilities to the table when designing technologies, and offers his advice on how employers can ensure the inclusion of people with disabilities in a tech driven workplace.

Video transcript

PEAT. Building a future that works.

Hi I’m Josh Christianson, co-director of the Partnership on Employment and Accessible Technology or PEAT and I’m meeting with people with disabilities from across the country to reflect on the role technology has played in their careers and the potential it holds for the future of work. It’s a pleasure to be here today with Ather Sharif to discuss digital accessibility in the era of telework and get his advice on how employers can ensure inclusion of people with disabilities in a tech driven workplace. And I’ll let Ather introduce himself.

Thank you Josh. Appreciate it. As you said, my name is Ather, spelled as a t h e r Sharif, s h a r i f. I use he/him pronouns. For visual description, [...]

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