Using the Envision app with low vision – Perkins School for the Blind

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Using the Envision app with low vision

An overview of the Envision app for Android and Envision AI app for iOS, a free visual assistance app.


I’m always looking for new functions and ways to use different features in visual assistance applications, and first downloaded the Envision app a few years ago when my friend was raving about its text recognition features at a low vision accessibility event we were both attending. When Envision became free for all users in 2022, I began recommending Envision and Envision AI more often for users looking for a visual assistance app that would work on multiple platforms and support helpful features like file upload, multiple languages, and recognizing faces. Here are my tips for using the Envision app with low vision for a variety of tasks.

Overview of Envision/Envision AI

The Envision app (also known as Envision AI) is a free visual assistance app that uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to recognize text and other types of visual information, including colors, products, people, and more. Envision is designed for blind [...]

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