Using AI to empower people with disabilities
May 7, 2018
Brad Smith – President & Vice Chair
Anne Taylor works on the Microsoft Accessibility team, which strives to make products and services accessible for all customers.
At Microsoft, we believe advancements in technology can be a force multiplier in unlocking solutions for some of the biggest challenges facing society. That’s why last year we announced AI for Earth, a comprehensive program to apply artificial intelligence towards unlocking solutions to climate, water, agriculture and the biodiversity issues facing our planet. Today at the Microsoft Build conference in Seattle, we are expanding on that model by launching AI for Accessibility, a new $25 million, five-year program to put AI tools in the hands of developers to accelerate the development of accessible and intelligent AI solutions to benefit the 1 billion-plus people with disabilities around the world.
AI can be a game changer for people with disabilities. Already we’re witnessing this as people with disabilities expand their use of computers to hear, see and reason with impressive accuracy. At Microsoft [...]