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ForbesSmall Business
The European Accessibility Act: Everything You Need To Know
Ran Ronen
Forbes Councils Member
Forbes Business Council
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May 11, 2022,08:15am EDT
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Founder and CEO of Equally AI, a world-class, secured, convenient, and modern web accessibility experience for beneficiaries and businesses.
The average abled person takes their ability to use mobile devices and computers for granted. The story is different for the 135 million people with a disability in the EU, who face access barriers to these products and services.
The European Accessibility Act (EAA) is the European commission’s answer to this problem of marginalization.
What is the European Accessibility Act (EAA)?
The EAA was derived from the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). In a progressive step, this directive aims to enhance the way products and services are rendered across the EU by synchronizing accessibility rules for all member states.
The EAA was originally proposed in 2011 to complement the EU’s Web Accessibility Directive, which was passed in 2016. The EAA came into effect in April 2019. Member states must pass the [...]
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