Sponsored Legislation | Disability Rights California

Sponsored Legislation

Each year DRC develops bill ideas to fix issues affecting people with disabilities. Based on priority, political climate and the approval of our Board of Directors, we decide which bills, if any, we will sponsor. Then we work to persuade the right legislator to take on the bill.

DRC is sponsoring the following bills.

AB 216 (Weber) – Pupil and Staff Safety Pilot Program

Establishes the Pupil and Staff Safety Pilot Program under the Scale Up MTSS Statewide (SUMS) project, in collaboration with the California Department of Education. The Program authorizes county offices of education to apply to the SUMS project for grants in order to train school staff on de-escalation techniques and alternatives to physical restraint and seclusion of pupils. AB 216 also requires Local Education Agency to maintain records of the training and requires the SUMS project to report the outcomes of the program.

Bill Detail

AB 823 (Arambula) – Developmental Services

Expands the availability of crisis services by requiring a regional center: 1) to contract for mobile crisis services to assist consumers in remaining in, or returning to, the community; and 2) post the memorandum of understanding between the regional center and the county mental health [...]

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