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  • Accessibility Testing, Consulting, Training, and Development
    • Audits
    • VPATs
    • Training
    • Consulting
    • Development

Accessibility Testing, Consulting, Training, and Development

Accessibility Audits

Effective accessibility testing involves more than just finding problems, but offering direct and clear guidance on how to fix the problems found. My testing methodology is rigorous, accurate, and thorough, offering unprecedented efficiency. My goal isn’t just to find accessibility problems, but to assist you in bringing your system in compliance as quickly as possible.


If you sell ICT products and services such as software, hardware, or web-based products to the Federal Government, chances are they’re going to ask you for a VPAT. It is also often the case that State Governments and, increasingly, higher education customers will ask for one. The VPAT is a document in which you disclose the state of your product’s compliance with the technical provisions of Section 508.

Creating a VPAT requires a thorough review of your product by a skilled reviewer who understands both your product and Section 508 & WCAG. Generally it isn’t a good idea to write your own VPAT unless you have skilled accessibility SMEs in house.

I have done dozens of VPATs over the years and, after thorough review, can ensure that your VPAT deliverable is clear, accurate, and honest.


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