Secretary Walker Visits L&I Summer Academy Preparing Students Who Are Blind and … – PennWatch

Secretary Walker Visits L&I Summer Academy Preparing Students Who Are Blind and Visually Impaired for College and Employment



June 27, 2024






    Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) Secretary Nancy A. Walker visited with 20 high school students from across Pennsylvania who are learning independent-living skills at Penn State that will prepare them for employment after high school. Since 2009, L&I’s Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) has offered the Summer Academy for Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired and has served about 325 students in that time.

    OVR offers the 10-day academy each summer – as well as a separate academy for students who are deaf or hard of hearing – to help students build the skills they’ll need to succeed in post-secondary education and competitive integrated employment. 

    The Pennsylvania State University has hosted the academy at its University Park campus since 2014. There is no cost to students or their families for participation in the academy. The program is funded through federal pre-employment transition funds.

    “Every young person must learn a set of independent-living skills to succeed in their transition from childhood to adulthood – but that list of needed skills is a little longer for youth with disabilities. L&I’s summer academies help students [...]

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