RSA Success Story: Gaining Independence through the IL-OIB Program

RSA Success Story: Gaining Independence through the IL-OIB Program

By: New York State Commission for the Blind

In a February 2024 Dear Colleague Letter, Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) Commissioner Danté Allen prioritized elevating community expectations for competitive integrated employment by showcasing success stories of individuals with disabilities who receive services from RSA Programs. This is the third RSA Success Story in a series that will run through November 2024.

Nisha Falcigno, a 60-year-old resident of New York City, is a survivor of both cancer and vision loss. Prior to experiencing significant vision impairment, resulting in a legal blindness diagnosis, Falcigno worked as a lawyer and in IT sales.

She said the loss of vision dramatically impacted her life. Falcigno had concerns about her safety in navigating the outside world and her family shared the same worries.

Falcigno connected with the RSA-administered Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who Are Blind (IL-OIB) program at the New York State Commission for the Blind. The Commission assists individuals ages 55 and older who are experiencing vision loss gain the skills necessary to remain independent.

Falcigno chose to receive her training at VISIONS Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and participating in the Adaptive Living Skills training helped [...]

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