Public sector accessibility regulations – TetraLogical

Public sector accessibility regulations
Friday, 26 July 2019

A new law concerning the accessibility of public sector websites and mobile apps came into effect in 2018. This article explains what the Public Sector Accessibility Regulations mean, what’s included and what isn’t, and the deadlines by which all public sector websites and mobile apps must comply.

A European Union (EU) Directive on the accessibility of public sector websites and apps was approved in October 2016 and has since been incorporated into the national laws of all EU member states. In the UK it’s known as the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Apps) Accessibility Regulations 2018.

Definition of public sector

The Public Sector Accessibility Regulations consider national, regional, and local authorities to be public sector bodies, as well as any organisation that receives public funding. Associations formed between one or more authorities or organisations that receive public funding are also counted as public sector bodies, providing they’re formed to serve the general interest and are not industrial or commercial.

Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO) like charities are not counted as public sector bodies by the Public Sector Accessibility Regulations, unless they:

  • Are mostly funded by public money;
  • Provide services that [...]

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