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OPINIONHow to make the internet more accessible
Despite the availability of tools to make the digital world accessible, many websites and digital services remain inaccessible to people with disabilities.
By Sarah Horton and Mark GreenfieldUpdated August 2, 2024, 3:00 a.m.
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Digital accessibility features often improve usability for all users.Shutterstock/ibreakstock
Americans are at a critical juncture in the digital revolution. Technology has transformed many aspects of our lives, yet millions of Americans with disabilities face barriers due to a lack of accessibility in the digital world. It’s time to fulfill the promise of the Americans with Disabilities Act in the digital age.
The intent of the ADA, which was passed 34 years ago, was clear: to prohibit discrimination and ensure equal opportunity for people with disabilities in all areas of public life. However, in 1990, lawmakers could not have foreseen how integral the internet would become to our daily existence. As work, education, health care, and essential services increasingly migrate online, anyone without [...]