NLS Music Section Materials Created by/about Blind and Visually Impaired Musicians – National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS) | Library of Congress

This guide has three categories: Musical Works, Lectures & Conversations, and Biographies. There is also a Table of Contents, where you can browse an alphabetized list of the musicians featured in this guide.

The Musical Works section contains materials designed to help you learn and perform pieces composed by blind and visually impaired musicians. This includes talking books for learning music without the use of music notation, as well as braille and large-print scores. Patrons can borrow these materials by mail, and titles with links can also be accessed online on BARD.

Lectures & Conversations contain recordings of radio broadcasts, interviews, essays, and more. Many of these audio resources feature performances by blind and visually impaired musicians or recordings of their compositions. These materials are intended to aid listeners in learning about the life experiences and musical contributions of individuals who are blind and visually impaired. All of these materials are available as digital talking book cartridges to borrow by mail, and materials available for download on BARD include links.

All of the materials featured in the Biographies section can be accessed online. Resources in this section include publications from our blog, NLS Music Notes, which highlight the life and work of [...]

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