Living with a Sibling and Her disABILITY

Living with a Sibling and Her disABILITY

Published : 2021-06-07
Author : Kathleen M. Cleaver – Contact: Disabled World (

Synopsis* : Kathleen M. Cleaver writes on the positive and negative effects that a sibling with a disability has on a family and the siblings themselves.

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What the Studies Say

There are positive and negative effects that a sibling with a disability has on a family and the siblings. Hale and Gamble (1987) found that children with disabled siblings “appear to have more positive and fewer negative behavioral interactions than those with non-disabled siblings.” Powell and Ogle (1985) go on to say that “these positive aspects include higher levels of empathy and altruism, increased tolerance for differences, and increased sense of maturity and responsibility and pride in the siblings’ accomplishments.” Adversely, words like neglect, anxiety, overly responsible, and isolation are words repeated in professional articles.

Me with my sister.

Your New Baby Sister is Blind

I was seven-years old when my sister, Barbara was born. My brothers were eight and ten. I don’t remember how we were told that our new baby sister was blind; all I remember was being excited for our sister’s arrival home. We ran upstairs to see a tiny dark-haired infant [...]

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