Kirkless adult disabilities centres to be modernised – BBC

Adult disabilities centres to be modernised


The buildings at Mill Dale and Crescent Dale in Heckmondwike are to be upgraded

Two centres for adults with learning disabilities in Kirklees are to be modernised.

Kirklees Council said plans had been approved to upgrade the day care facilities at Mill Dale and Crescent Dale in Heckmondwike.

The facilities will cater for up to 40 adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities and autism, the council said.

Indoor areas will be redesigned to give "maximum flexibility", be fully inclusive and promote independence, it added.

‘Best start in life’

There will be immersive spaces for multi-sensory experiences, rooms for different activities, and specialist assistive technology including an "interactive magic table".

Outdoor areas will be landscaped and will have disability and wheelchair swings added.

There will be separate outdoor eating areas, raised beds and a potting shed for gardening.

"It is our vision for all people with complex disabilities in Kirklees that they have the best start in life and are independent in adulthood," the authority said.

Councillor Beverley Addy, cabinet member for adult social care and health, said she was "delighted" the plans had [...]

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