Japanese school enlists Perkins to help transform deafblind education across country – Perkins School for the Blind

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Japanese school enlists Perkins to help transform deafblind education across country

Yokohama Christian School for the Blind has been working with Perkins International as part of a research project around deafblind education.


Last month, a pair of Perkins International (PI) consultants flew to the other side of the world, arriving south of Tokyo, Japan for a week of consultation work at Yokohama Christian School for the Blind. 

While there, they helped educators at the small private school develop appropriate rituals for greeting deafblind students, supported the implementation of educational routines and shared their expertise around reducing self-harm and other challenging behaviors. 

The session, though, wasn’t a one-off. Rather, it represented the culmination of a three-year partnership. In fact, PI, the global training, advocacy and sustainability arm of Perkins School for the Blind, has since supported the Yokohama School as it leads a government-sponsored research project around best practices in deafblind education for release across the island nation.

“Being a very small school like we are, we needed more resources, more expertise and more information to produce something helpful for our entire country,” said [...]

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