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ForbesLeadershipDiversity, Equity & Inclusion
Inside dbt Labs’ Efforts To Make Conferences Accessible To Everyone, Inside And Out
Steven Aquino
Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.
Steven covers accessibility and assistive technologies.
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Dec 8, 2023,04:50pm EST
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dbt Labs has spent the last few years making its conference accessible.
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Although dbt Labs fancies itself a data transformation company, its mission in doing so relies heavily on a few tenets core to the institution.
One of those things is DEI, as dbt Labs has a whole page on its website dedicated to espousing this particular virtue. On furthering diversity, equity, and inclusion, the company writes in part the goals of its DEI initiatives is to “make sure everyone has a sense of belonging and the support they need to succeed.” On disability and accessibility specifically, the company explains the team is international and 10% of its workforce identify as disabled. As such, the company’s emphasis on what it calls a “remote work culture [designed to be] flexible across time [...]
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