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Ideas for Summer Activities
Try these ideas for fun summer activities for kids who are blind or visually impaired, including those who are deafblind or who have multiple disabilities.
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Students from many countries around the world are enjoying summer and the great time that comes with it. Summer schools are in session and teachers have the chance to propose fun activities for which there might be no time during the school year.
Children with visual impairments and multiple disabilities need specialized instruction to compensate for the lack of incidental learning. As summer can offer a variety of opportunities to strongly work on those skills, here there are some ideas that might help teachers when planning fun, functional and meaningful summer activities for their students.
Art Activities
- Propose a creative “hands-on” activity linked to a summer story or theme.
- Allow for creation and exploration through touch and smell.
- Encourage students to get their hands dirty using paint, glue, scented markers, crayons, brushes, sponges, finger paints and any material you can think of.
- Include real objects whenever possible!
Finger [...]