How to become an effective Compliance Officer at your company
Published on October 18, 2019 at 11:57 am
“Compliance officer” is a broad term. There are various types of compliance officers across several industries like government, healthcare, employment, and more. But, there are common threads, regardless of industry, required to be effective in the job.
A compliance officer ensures a company acts legally. In the past, compliance officers were isolated to a small number of industries. However, they are becoming an important part of many corporate organizations. So, why the uptick in compliance officers? And why do compliance officers need to be concerned with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other laws?
For example, the Department of Justice (DOJ) oversees ADA Compliance. Through lawsuits, settlement agreements, or mediation, many organizations are required “to designate an ADA coordinator” and/or “provide annual ADA training”. This is in addition to fines, penalties, and damages. The ADA Coordinator is on your payroll. You can hire whomever you want, but that individual has to work in tandem with the DOJ as they oversee your ADA compliance efforts.
But that’s only for ADA compliance and since you have to be concerned with multiple forms of compliance, how can you [...]