How I use Microsoft OneNote with low vision – Perkins School for the Blind

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How I use Microsoft OneNote with low vision

Note taking with Microsoft OneNote with low vision. How I use OneNote in high school, college and how I organize my notebooks.


One of the most common questions I receive from students and teachers alike is how I take notes in the classroom with low vision and dysgraphia, and what my favorite notetaking apps are for iOS and Android devices. I’ve been using the Microsoft OneNote app since I was a freshman in high school for taking notes across all of my subjects, and have found it to be perfect for not only writing my own notes but also for sharing notes with others and integrating classroom resources so that I can find everything I need all on one page. Here is how I use Microsoft OneNote with low vision and dysgraphia, and ways that I have used it in high school, college, and beyond the classroom.

What is OneNote?

OneNote is a free Microsoft Office software that allows users to create multimedia notebooks filled with text, images, videos, [...]

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