How Artificial General Intelligence Could Redefine Accessibility – Forbes

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How Artificial General Intelligence Could Redefine Accessibility

Ran Ronen
Forbes Councils Member

Forbes Business Council

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Feb 2, 2024,07:15am EST

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Founder and CEO of Equally AI, the solution that helps teams create, test and ship better accessibility from start to finish.


A few decades ago, the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) existed only in science fiction. Today, it’s the magic in driving an autonomous vehicle, the skill in creating art from a few words and the incredible power to predict health issues before symptoms appear to humans. AI continues to shape our daily lives and how we interact with technology, and its impact has been particularly profound.

From glasses that recognize and read visual cues to text-to-speech software, AI technology has helped bridge the gap for people with disabilities. However, current solutions, while helpful, are still limited in their ability to meet the specific needs of individuals with disabilities, especially when it comes to adapting to context, nuance and the sheer [...]

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