History professor named Editor-in-Chief of top disability journal | History | Gallaudet University





History professor named Editor-in-Chief of top…

History professor named Editor-in-Chief of top disability journal

Sep 25, 2023
By Victoria Hallett


Associate Professor of History Dr. Jeffrey A. Brune has just assumed his new position as Editor-in-Chief of Disability Studies Quarterly (DSQ), the journal of the Society for Disability Studies. To helm the oldest and premier interdisciplinary journal in the field is an honor, particularly at this pivotal moment, says Brune, who shares his editorial duties with Dr. Donald Grushkin of California State University, Sacramento.

Brune compares the current heightened interest in disability research to the momentum developed by gender studies and African-American studies in the 1970s and 1980s. “For disability studies, that time is now, and it’s such a privilege to be a part of that,” he says.

As proof of this growth, Brune points to the number of submissions for DSQ. The journal is now receiving 500 articles annually, more than double what it attracted even just a few years ago. [...]

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