Hacking Periscope for accessibility
Hacking Periscope for accessibility
Posted by:
Mark Boxall and Graham Higgins, Posted on: 20 May 2016
accessibility, Periscope, Social Media, Thoughts, Video
Over the last few months, we’ve been doing themed weeks on social media. We started with a week on agile, then user research and service design. This week was all about accessibility.
For each one, we’ve done a live Periscope broadcast with an expert. These broadcasts have been very popular, but there’s a problem which we’ve known about and struggled with from the start: Periscope isn’t as accessible as we’d like it to be.
To date, we’ve worked around this by getting each broadcast transcribed as soon as possible after the event, then posting the transcription online. But we’ve always wondered if there was a better way to make the actual broadcast itself more accessible.
It’s complicated, but it works
The challenge was to get both the live transcription and the video visible in Periscope. This isn’t possible to do within the Periscope app, so we had find another way.
The solution we came up with involved a lot of wires and a [...]