Getting started in the Accessibility Industry: An Interview With Cala Campfield, Technical Writer of Accessibility Content at Salesforce | Accessworld | American Foundation for the Blind

Hanna Melo Fugulin, Aaron Preece

As a reader of AccessWorld, you may be considering a career in the field of accessibility. For this edition of our Employment Journeys column, we sat down with Cala Campfield, Technical Writer of Accessibility Content at Salesforce. In this interview, Cala takes us through her journey in the field of accessibility, as well as providing excellent advice for anyone looking to enter this rapidly evolving field.

Interview with Cala

Q: Are you blind or have low vision yourself? What has your journey with vision loss been like?

A: I am totally blind. I’ve been totally blind for just over 20 years, but I was actually born with low vision in one eye and no sight in the other. I lost the rest of my sight suddenly when I was 11. My mom and my grandma also share my genetic eye condition, so I grew up around a lot of role models. My mom would use a CCTV to magnify stuff, and I would play
with my grandma’s talking clocks. I used low vision stuff in school, things like that. So assistive technology wasn’t strange. And I actually had a brilliant TVI in kindergarten who started teaching me braille. I [...]

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