Getting instant return from your accessibility testing
By Karl Groves | January 14, 2016
The Accessibility Business Case is something I’m very interested in thinking and talking about. Historically, many in the web accessibility field have produced various facts and figures providing a business justification for accessibility. On my personal site, I’ve discussed issue prevention as a business case. Of all business case arguments, it is the one I’ve seen materialize in person with clients. But what’s the best way to truly realize the ROI of issue prevention and accessibility?
- You must reduce the feedback cycle for accessibility
- You must provide robust tooling and evaluation practices that support those feedback cycles
How much does it cost to fix a bug?
There are a ton of articles on the Web that discuss how much a defect costs. Via Google Search:
- “He went with a relatively conservative estimate, calculating that it takes about 40 man-hours at $100 per hour to fix one vulnerability in a Website, or $4,000”
- “Total Annual Savings from Preventing Defects: $600,000” [PDF]
- “On average, it costs 10 to 1,000 times more to fix an escaped bug than fixing it before release.”
- “On average, each release contains 100 runtime bugs that are identified and repaired over [...]