Feingold and Dardarian Receive California Lawyer Attorney of the Year Award – Law Office of Lainey Feingold

Feingold and Dardarian Receive California Lawyer Attorney of the Year Award

Posted on February 20, 2014

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This post announces that Lainey Feingold has received an award.  The award is known as the California Lawyer of the Year Award.  It is also called the CLAY award.  This year, 57 California lawyers received the award.  Lainey received the CLAY award for disability rights with Linda Dardarian.  Lainey and Linda work with the blind community.  They help make websites and mobile applications more usable by everyone.  They also work for braille and other formats blind people can read. Instead of filing lawsuits, they work with public and private institutions to improve services, information and technology for blind people. The process they use is called Structured Negotiations.  They got the CLAY award for working with Bank of America, Walmart, Weight Watchers and Safeway.

The Law Office of Lainey Feingold is honored to announce that Lainey has received a 2014 California Lawyer of the Year Award (CLAY award) for her work in 2013. One of 57 lawyers receiving the award this year, she shares the CLAY award for Disability Rights with Linda Dardarian of the Oakland California civil rights firm Goldstein, Borgen, Dardarian & Ho. [...]

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