Faster Typing on iOS with the FlickType Keyboard: An Evaluation and Overview | American Foundation for the Blind | AccessWorld |

When I first began to use a smartphone, I found that the most cumbersome aspect was the touchscreen keyboard. Finding the correct key is fairly simple, but the delay as you wait to hear the name of the focused key adds a surprising amount of time to the act of typing. In addition, the keys are quite tiny, so it’s fairly easy to accidentally press the key next to your intended key when lifting off the keyboard to enter a character, particularly on smaller devices such as the iPod touch or iPhone SE.

There are several methods for entering text more easily on an iOS device. One of these is the dictation button on the touchscreen keyboard, though there are many circumstances in which this cannot be used, such as when you don’t have an Internet connection or when you’re in a loud, or quiet, environment. The Speeddots screen overlay provides raised braille-like dots for each keyboard key accept for the “F” and “J” keys. I use this overlay to this day; it has significantly increased my touch-typing speed. The downside to this option is that the tactile markings for the keyboard are always present, which may be distracting to some [...]

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