Events and Training – New England Consortium on Deafblindness

Events & Training

The New England Consortium on Deafblindness hosts a variety of events geared towards professionals of students with combined vision and hearing loss and professionals of students with combined vision and hearing loss throughout the year.

Our events and networking opportunities for NEC families include monthly family connection calls and in-person family-centered events. Our training opportunities for professionals include information about the basics of deafblindness and deafblind education as well as information about evidenced-based practices within the field.

See a PDF Version of our Event Schedule

Professional Development

Winter Seminar 2024

Foundational Knowledge in Deafblindness with Dr. Susan Bruce

Dr. Susan Bruce’s prolific career has focused on how students with multiple disabilities-particularly those who are congenitally deafblind develop communication and language. Her action, descriptive, and intervention research has spanned assessment, communication intervention, literacy, rare syndromes, action research, and teacher preparation.

Seminar Overview

In order to help students learn, teachers and related service personnel should support students to build their knowledge by integrating new skills and concepts into their experiences and understanding. The fields of neuroscience, psychology, and education have demonstrated that information becomes a long-term memory after ample opportunity [...]

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