Disabled People React to Coronavirus Work From Home Accommodations | Teen Vogue


Disabled People React to Coronavirus Work From Home Accommodations

After losing out on jobs and being denied accommodations, seeing the world change its ways is bittersweet.

March 24, 2020

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As COVID-19, a global pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus responsible for a growing number of infections and deaths worldwide, continues to spread throughout the United States, more and more employers and educational institutions are facilitating work-from-home policies. This means they’re providing necessary telecommuter accommodations to their employees and students, in order to promote social distancing and help limit the reach of the virus. In early March, Amazon asked their Seattle staff to work from home if they could, and hundreds of thousands of federal workers are expected to be asked to work from home in the coming days. More than 100 colleges have closed in-person classes and switched to online teaching programs.

While these changes are undeniably necessary in helping curb the spread of a virus that may be 10 [...]

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