Disability resources | Recovery

  • 2019-20 Bushfires
  • Recovery services
  • Individuals and families
  • Disability resources
  • Disability resources

    During and after an emergency, people with disabilities my need extra help to understand, communicate and recover. The following resources have been developed for people with a disability, their families and carers.

    National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

    Any NDIS participant who needs assistance with their disability supports due to the bushfire situation is encouraged to contact 1800 800 110 to discuss their circumstances.

    Participants impacted by the bushfires are being prioritised to ensure they can continue to receive their disability related supports, including any additional supports that may be required such as replacing equipment, additional care or therapies.

    More information is available on the NDIS website or in the Bushfire information and support – Easy Read book (PDF, 3.8 MB)

    Recovering from emergencies

    Coping with a major personal crisis (Easy English) – Red Cross (PDF, 588.5 KB)

    Tips to help mental health (Easy English) – Council for Intellectual Disability

    Recovering from Bushfire (Videos) – Deaf Emergency Information

    Accessible accommodation hire

    Social stories about bushfire for children with autism – Autism Tasmania

    Plan for emergencies

    Plan for an emergency (Easy English) – Red Cross (PDF, 933.5 KB)

    Disaster preparedness guide – Red Cross (PDF, 1.7 MB)

    Bushfire Safety Guide [...]

    Read article at recovery.sa.gov.au

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