Creating a DIY playground for our son who is deafblind – Paths to Literacy

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Creating a DIY playground for our son who is deafblind

A parent shares ideas on creating DIY accessible playgrounds for kids who are blind

Written by:
Liamsmom, Sandy Gillam


Liam’s playground:

Constantly evolving to encourage play, independence and most importantly fun for our deafblind son. 

Fenced-in playground in backyard

We wanted to create a playground that both of our sons could enjoy. We especially wanted a safe and fun place for our deafblind son to play and feel independent and confident. We are always thinking of new things to add and change. We want him to have the same opportunities for recreation and leisure activities as other children.

View of playground fence with plaques

We surrounded the play area with a fence. Liam loves to be able to ‘trail’ along fences. We enlisted our friends to help decorate wooden plaques (for the boys’ birthdays). We attached the plaques to different parts of the fence for the boys to play with, feel, and/or look at. My main idea for the plaques was to use them as an orientation tool for [...]

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