You are here: Home / Human Rights / Coronavirus: Success for disabled duo after NHS England backs down on visitor policy
Coronavirus: Success for disabled duo after NHS England backs down on visitor policy
NHS England has agreed to change its policy on hospital visitors so that it no longer discriminates against disabled people, in the face of at least two legal challenges.
It was facing the threat of legal action after refusing to update guidance on visitors that currently prevents disabled people with high support needs being accompanied into hospital if they become ill with coronavirus.
Disabled campaigners Fleur Perry and Mark Williams, who were both poised to seek judicial reviews of the guidance – issued last month in response to the pandemic crisis – have now been told that NHS England will amend its guidance “as soon as possible”.
The guidance (PDF) currently only allows a visitor to visit a patient in hospital in four situations: if the patient is in labour; if the patient is receiving end-of-life care; if they are visiting their child; or if the patient is experiencing significant mental distress.
But it does not allow a personal assistant (PA) or [...]