CBRF’s new short film ‘Let me in’ highlights need for accessible spaces for people with disabilities
Accessibility October 4, 2020
Collective Action for Basic Right Foundation (CBRF) has released a two minute short film ‘Let me in’ that talks about accessibility issues faced by people with disabilities. A short and crisp video which highlights the point clearly has already received positive reviews.
In his 2013 Tedx talks, accessibility expert Mohamed Jemni said, “Disability is not the problem. The accessibility is the problem’, a statement that still holds true. Collective Action for Basic Right Foundation (CBRF), an organization that works towards empowering people with disabilities has made a short film ‘Let me in’ that talks about the hardships faced by people with disabilities when it comes to accessibility. Launched on 25 September on YouTube, the video has already got over 220 views with more to hit.
CBRF’s unique short film
‘Let me in’ begins with different people visiting an office to attend a job interview. The office has [...]