Board Games with Great Lessons for Accessible Design – Meeple Like Us

Board Games with Great Lessons for Accessible Design
by Michael Heron on 15/07/2019 in Special Feature

Pages: [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]


I know it looks like it, but this isn’t a top ten list. Yes, it’s a list. Yes it contains ten(ish) games. Yes it’s in the template that I’ve used for previous top tens on the site. But there’s an important reason why this doesn’t count as a top ten – it’s not actually ranked. It’s just a ten. Not a top ten. It’s a thing. Yes it is. Okay, it’s not. But I’m making it a thing.

This site, as you may have noticed, has something of a focus on accessibility and it’s not something we’ve really emphasized much in our top tens to date. We’ve done one on board game apps, one on video games for board gamers, and our recurring general top tens (2017 and 2018) at the end of the year. Accessibility, in those features, is at best a side note. That’s not good enough.

Today’s special feature then is going to address that. Here are ten (ish) games that have great accessibility lessons to impart – not lessons that are specific to [...]

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