Assistive Technology – AT User Flow Testing – TPGi

Assistive Technology (AT) User Flow Testing
Experienced assistive technology users analyze your website’s most critical user journeys for accessibility barriers, helping you improve the customer experience for people with disabilities.

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AT User Flow Testing Provides Rapid UX Feedback From Disabled Users

Quality Feedback from Disabled Users

Provide your product team with information about critical accessibility and usability barriers experienced by AT users, so they can make fixes as quickly as possible.


AT User Flow is an affordable way to receive valuable UX feedback on your digital products from disabled users.

Built for Speed

Get feedback from AT users during sprint cycles, helping you quickly implement solutions as early as possible in the development lifecycle.

Reduce Legal Risk

Most accessibility lawsuits happen because people with disabilities can’t complete tasks due to accessibility barriers. Minimize your risk by focusing on optimizing those critical task flows.

Inclusive Design is about putting people first. AT User Flow Testing empowers you to meet business objectives by capturing valuable feedback from AT users to confirm your products are usable.

While conducting a comprehensive usability study is the gold standard across all digital assets, teams don’t always have the resources or time available to perform this work in-house. AT User Flow Testing provides [...]

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